Navigation to Eclipse


If Java has been used to write M2M function code, then the M2M Functions in Rhapsody are simply wrappers for those functions:
Function body
The generated documentation contains the Implementation field of M2M functions and if any Java links are detected, these become hyperlinks allowing navigation to the corresponding java function in Eclipse:
Link to Eclipse
This navigation to installation of an additional plugin for Eclipse (see below)


Copy the provided Eclipse plugin into the dropins folder of your eclipse installation:
Dropins folder
Restart Eclipse with a command line switch of -clean


The navigation from the generated documentation to Eclipse goes through a Rhapsody listener plugin which then passes the navigation request to Eclipse through the Eclipse plugin. Navigation requires that both listener plugins are started.

Starting the Rhapsody Function Link Listener

Right-click the M2M Ruleset and select M2M -> Ruleset Documentation -> Launch Link Listener
The output window shows the Function Link Listener has started:
Loading listener log
The hyperlinks in the generated documentation send requests to the Function Link Listener over port 9999 but this may be changed sing the following property on the M2M Ruleset (if this property is changed then you must regenerate the documentation and restart Rhapsody, so it listens on the new port)

Starting the Eclipse Listener

In the Eclipse main menus, select Tools -> Start Function Navigator
Start listener menu
To confirm the listener has started, open the Error Log window (this is rather erroneously named as it is a regular logging window and can contain information items as well as errors and warnings)
The only window Eclipse plugins can log
The output window shows the Function Link Listener has started:
Start Eclipse log

Using the Navigation

Eclipse has the concept of an ‘active project’. To make a project active simply open any of that project’s Java files for editing. Clicking a Java link in the generated documentation will then navigate to the corresponding function in Eclipse. This is also logged in the Error Log panel:
Eclipse log during navigation